Warding Tutorials

If you’re a League of Legends player, you know the importance of vision and map control. Warding is one of the most essential aspects of the game that can help you gain an edge over your opponents. It allows you to track enemy movements, protect objectives, and avoid ganks. However, warding is a skill that requires practice and knowledge. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to improve your warding skills in League of Legends.

  • Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Importance of Warding in League of Legends
  • Types of Wards
  • How to Place Wards Effectively
  • Common Warding Mistakes to Avoid
  • Warding Techniques for Different Roles
  • Advanced Warding Strategies
  • Warding in Different Phases of the Game
  • Warding Objectives
  • Warding in Teamfights
  • Warding Against Specific Champions
  • Warding with Different Champions
  • Warding Items and Trinkets
  • How to Deal with Ward Clearing
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs
  • Introduction

Warding is the act of placing invisible objects on the map that provide vision in a certain area. It is a crucial skill in League of Legends that can help you track your enemies, protect your objectives, and secure advantages. However, warding is often neglected or done improperly by many players. In this guide, we will provide you with the necessary knowledge and tips to improve your warding skills in League of Legends.

  • The Importance of Warding in League of Legends

Vision is one of the most important elements in League of Legends. It allows you to see enemy movements, track objectives, and avoid ganks. Warding is the most effective way to provide vision on the map. By placing wards in strategic locations, you can gain valuable information that can help you make better decisions.

In addition, warding can help you protect your objectives, such as Dragon, Baron, and turrets. It can also help you avoid getting caught out of position by the enemy team.

  • Types of Wards

There are two types of wards in League of Legends: Stealth Wards and Vision Wards. Stealth Wards are invisible to the enemy team and provide vision for a limited time. Vision Wards, on the other hand, are visible to the enemy team but provide permanent vision until they are destroyed.

  • How to Place Wards Effectively

Placing wards effectively is key to gaining the most vision and map control. Here are some tips on how to place wards effectively:

  • Always try to ward in areas that provide the most vision.
  • Don’t place wards in areas that are already covered by your team’s vision.
  • Place wards in areas where you think the enemy team might be.
  • Always have a vision ward on the map to clear enemy wards.
  • Don’t waste your wards. Save them for important objectives or when you’re pushing a lane.
  • Use the F1-F5 keys to quickly select allies and wards.
  • Common Warding Mistakes to Avoid

Warding can be difficult, especially if you’re new to the game. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Placing wards in ineffective areas.
  • Not clearing enemy wards.
  • Not having a vision ward on the map.
  • Not saving wards for important objectives.
  • Not using the F1-F5 keys to quickly select allies and wards.
  • Warding Techniques for Different Roles

Warding techniques can vary depending on your role in the game. Here are some tips for each role:

  • Top Lane: Ward the river and tribush to avoid ganks.
  • Jungle: Ward the enemy jungle to applied pressure and control objectives
  • Mid Lane: Ward the river and jungle entrances to avoid ganks and spot the enemy jungler.
  • ADC: Ward the bushes in bot lane to avoid ganks and spot the enemy support.
  • Support: Ward the river and bushes to protect your ADC and control vision around objectives.
  • Advanced Warding Strategies

Once you’ve mastered the basics of warding, you can move on to advanced warding strategies. Here are some techniques you can use:

  • Use the Blast Cone or Scryer’s Bloom to place wards in difficult-to-reach areas.
  • Use the sweeper lens to clear enemy wards and deny their vision.
  • Place deep wards in the enemy jungle to track the enemy jungler and set up ganks.
  • Place wards in unusual spots to catch the enemy off guard.
  • Warding in Different Phases of the Game

Warding strategies can vary depending on the phase of the game. Here are some tips for each phase:

  • Early Game: Ward the river and tribush to avoid ganks and protect your jungle.
  • Mid Game: Ward the enemy jungle and objectives to gain control of the map.
  • Late Game: Ward around objectives and choke points to set up for team fights.
  • Warding Objectives

Warding around objectives is crucial to securing them. Here are some tips for warding around objectives:

  • Ward the entrances to objectives to spot the enemy team’s approach.
  • Use the sweeper lens to clear enemy wards around objectives.
  • Place deep wards in the enemy jungle to track the enemy team’s movements.
  • Warding in Teamfights

Warding in teamfights can help you gain an advantage. Here are some tips:

  • Ward the flanks of the teamfight to spot incoming enemies.
  • Use control wards to deny the enemy team’s vision in the teamfight.
  • Place wards in the enemy team’s escape route to catch fleeing enemies.
  • Warding Against Specific Champions

Warding against specific champions can help you avoid their abilities and gain an advantage. Here are some tips:

  • Against stealth champions (e.g., Evelynn, Shaco), place vision wards in areas where they might be.
  • Against teleport champions (e.g., Twisted Fate, Shen), ward the side lanes to spot their teleport.
  • Against roaming champions (e.g., Aurelion Sol, Taliyah), ward the river to spot their movements.
  • Warding with Different Champions

Different champions have different warding abilities. Here are some tips for warding with different champions:

  • Champions with global ultimates (e.g., Ashe, Jinx) can place wards from afar.
  • Champions with mobility (e.g., Lee Sin, Kha’Zix) can place deep wards in the enemy jungle.
  • Champions with traps (e.g., Teemo, Nidalee) can use them as wards.
  • Warding Items and Trinkets

There are different items and trinkets that can help you with warding. Here are some tips:

  • Always have a vision ward on the map to clear enemy wards.
  • Upgrade your trinket as soon as possible to gain more wards.
  • Buy Oracle Lens to clear enemy wards and deny their vision.
  • Buy Control Wards to deny the enemy team’s vision.
  • How to Deal with Ward Clearing

Enemy teams will try to clear your wards to deny your vision. Here are some tips to deal with ward clearing:

  • Use Control Wards to deny the enemy team’s vision.
  • Place wards in unusual spots to avoid easy clearing.
  • Place wards after the enemy team has already cleared the area to catch them off guard.
  • Conclusion

Warding is an essential skill in League of Legends that can help you win games and climb the ranks. By mastering the art of warding, you can gain valuable information about your opponents’ movements and set up for ganks and objectives.

Remember to always communicate with your team about where you’re placing wards and to adjust your warding strategies depending on the situation. And most importantly, never forget to buy wards and contribute to vision control. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to becoming a warding master in no time.

  • FAQs


  • How many wards can I place on the map at once?

  • As an individual player, you can only have three stealth wards and one control ward on the map at once. However, if you have a Sightstone item or support item that upgrades into a Warding item, you can have additional wards on the map.
  • How often should I be buying control wards?

  • You should be buying control wards regularly throughout the game, especially when contesting objectives or defending against ganks. It’s also important to replace your control ward when it gets destroyed.
  • Can I use my trinket to clear enemy wards?

  • No, the trinket can only be used to place stealth wards. To clear enemy wards, you need to use a vision ward, control ward, or Oracle Lens.
  • When should I be placing wards in the enemy jungle?

  • Placing wards in the enemy jungle is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that should be used when you have the advantage and can safely invade. You can also place deep wards when the enemy team is distracted by objectives or team fights.
  • What should I do if the enemy team keeps clearing my wards?

  • If the enemy team keeps clearing your wards, try placing them in different spots or using unconventional warding techniques. You can also try to catch them off guard by placing wards after they’ve already cleared an area. Additionally, make sure to communicate with your team about the enemy’s ward clearing patterns and adjust your warding accordingly.


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