The Top 5 Most Underrated Champions in League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game that has been enjoyed by millions of players around the world since its release in 2009. One of the key aspects of the game is the champions that players can choose to play as, each with their unique abilities and playstyles. While some champions are widely recognized as being strong and powerful, there are a few that are often overlooked and underrated by the majority of players. In this article, we will be discussing the top 5 most underrated champions in League of Legends.

  • Skarner

    Skarner is a crystal scorpion that is often overlooked by many players due to his somewhat unorthodox playstyle. He is a tanky champion with the ability to stun enemies and drag them towards him with his ultimate ability, Impale. This makes him a great initiator for team fights, allowing his teammates to follow up with their own abilities. Skarner’s passive ability, Crystal Spires, allows him to control certain areas of the map, providing him with extra gold and experience. This can be a huge advantage in the early game, allowing him to snowball and become a formidable force in the mid and late game.

  • Galio

    Galio is a champion that is often overlooked due to his somewhat niche role as a tanky mage. However, he can be an incredibly strong pick in certain team compositions. His ultimate ability, Hero’s Entrance, allows him to jump into the middle of a fight and taunt all nearby enemies, making him an excellent initiator. In addition, his abilities scale with both magic resist and ability power, making him a versatile pick that can adapt to different situations. Galio’s passive ability, Colossal Smash, also allows him to deal bonus damage based on his max health, making him a formidable tank that can also dish out significant damage.

  • Yorick

Yorick is a champion that is often overlooked due to his somewhat odd playstyle as a “graveyard” champion. However, he can be an incredibly strong pick in the right hands. His ultimate ability, Eulogy of the Isles, allows him to summon a powerful ghoul that can fight alongside him, providing additional damage and crowd control. Yorick’s passive ability, Shepherd of Souls, also allows him to raise graves on the map, which can be used to summon additional ghouls. In addition, Yorick’s abilities scale with both attack damage and ability power, making him a versatile pick that can adapt to different situations.

  • Swain

Swain is a champion that is often overlooked due to his somewhat complicated playstyle as a mage that relies on his ultimate ability, Ravenous Flock, to deal damage and sustain himself in team fights. However, he can be an incredibly strong pick in the right hands. His ultimate ability allows him to transform into a demon bird, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing himself based on the damage dealt. Swain’s passive ability, Carrion Renewal, also allows him to heal himself and restore mana when he kills an enemy unit, making him a great sustain pick that can stay in lane for longer periods of time.

  • Ziggs

    Ziggs is a champion that is often overlooked due to his somewhat simple playstyle as a mage that relies on his abilities to deal damage from a distance. However, he can be an incredibly strong pick in certain team compositions. His ultimate ability, Mega Inferno Bomb, allows him to deal massive amounts of damage to enemy champions and structures, making him a great pick for pushing lanes and securing objectives. In addition, his abilities can also provide crowd control, making him a versatile pick that can adapt to different situations.

In conclusion, while there are many strong champions in League of Legends that are commonly picked and played, it’s important not to overlook the potential of underrated champions. Skarner, Galio, Yorick, Swain, and Ziggs all have unique abilities and playstyles that can make them valuable picks in certain team compositions and situations. By exploring these champions and giving them a chance, players may be surprised by their effectiveness and discover new strategies for winning games. So, next time you’re picking a champion in League of Legends, don’t be afraid to try out one of these underrated picks and see how they can contribute to your team’s success.

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