The Latest Legends of Runeterra Expansion: Card Reviews and Analysis

Legends of Runeterra, Riot Games’ digital collectible card game, has recently released its latest expansion set, bringing in a new set of cards to shake up the game’s meta. Titled “Rise of the Underworlds,” this expansion features 140 new cards, including 11 champions and 2 new regions, the Shadow Isles and the Bilgewater. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most exciting and impactful cards in the set.

First up, we have the Shadow Isles region, which focuses on death and the afterlife. One of the most impactful cards in this region is Rhasa the Sunderer, a 7-cost champion that can obliterate any unit it strikes, allowing for some devastating board clears. Another standout card is The Ruination, a 9-cost spell that destroys all units except champions and creates a Mistwraith for each unit destroyed. This can be a game-changing play if used at the right time, wiping out your opponent’s board and generating a powerful swarm of creatures.

Moving on to the Bilgewater region, we see a focus on pirates and plunder. One of the standout cards in this region is Gangplank, a 5-cost champion with an ability that deals damage to all enemies and the enemy Nexus. He also has the ability to level up by dealing damage with his Powder Kegs, which can create some explosive turns. Another notable card is the Fortune Croaker, a 3-cost unit with the ability to draw you a card and reduce its cost by 1 whenever you play a card with Plunder. This card can help you cycle through your deck quickly and set up some powerful plays.

In addition to the new regions, Rise of the Underworlds introduces a new card type, called landmarks. Landmarks are cards that remain on the board and have ongoing effects. One notable landmark is the Grand Plaza, a 5-cost card that gives all your units +1/+1 and grants them the ability to Challenger. This can be a huge boost to your board presence and can allow you to control the flow of combat.

Overall, Rise of the Underworlds looks to be a strong expansion for Legends of Runeterra, bringing in new mechanics and powerful cards that are sure to shake up the game’s meta. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just getting started, there’s something in this set for everyone. So dive in and explore the new cards and strategies, and see what Rise of the Underworlds has in store for you!

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